MRC - Laboratories


In our laboratory, we focus applied and basic research in various areas of analytical and environmental chemistry. From the point of view of analyses, we work on qualitative, quantitative and structural determinations of inorganic and organic pollutants ranging from macro- to ultra-trace quantities. For this purpose, we apply advanced analytical techniques and top instrumentation, including ICP-MS or GC-MS/MS. An integral part of our research is the development of preconcentration and separation techniques. From the point of view of analytes and analysed samples, we monitor the content of pollutants (heavy metals, nanoparticles, microplastics, drugs, hormones) in water, soil, waste, samples from industry or transport and, finally, in biological material. For this purpose, it is necessary to develop advanced analytical methods. In our laboratory, we also investigate trace in-situ analysis and 2D imaging not only of geological samples, but especially of biological tissues.

In addition to the research in the field of analytical and environmental chemistry, we participate in the innovation of existing and the development of new technologies that contribute to the protection of the environment, the preservation of natural resources and ecological sustainability. In particular, these are air, water and waste treatment technologies.

Our laboratories are also equipped with devices for ecotoxicological tests in terrestrial and aquatic systems.

doc. Mgr. Michaela Vašinová Galiová, Ph.D.

doc. Mgr.

Michaela Vašinová


Head of Laboratory
Research in the field of identification and characterization of organic and inorganic substances with the application and development of sample processing methods and advanced instrumental analytical techniques (SN/LA-ICP-MS).

+420 54114 9445

Mgr. Marie Novotná, Ph.D.




Contact person
Application of mass spectrometry and spectral methods for determination of inorganic analytes in inorganic, organic and biological matrices.


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Laboratory equipment Cooperation with companies