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Project title, key words, description… Person responsible Faculty All CESA - Centre of Sports ActivitiesFA - Faculty of ArchitectureFEEC - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and CommunicationFCH - Faculty of ChemistryFIT - Faculty of Information TechnologyFBM - Faculty of Business and ManagementFCE - Faculty of Civil EngineeringFME - Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringFFA - Faculty of Fine ArtsCEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology BUTIFE - Institute of Forensic Engineering Department All Advanced Biomaterials (RG-2-07) - CEITEC VUTAdvanced Ceramic Materials (RG-2-01) - CEITEC VUTStructure and Phase Analysis (RG-2-05) - CEITEC VUTX-ray Micro CT and Nano CT (RG-1-06) - CEITEC VUTAdvanced Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials (RG-2-06) - CEITEC VUTAdvanced Metallic Materials and Metal Based Composites (RG-2-04) - CEITEC VUTAdvanced Multifunctional Ceramics (RG-2-11) - CEITEC VUTAdvanced Polymers and Composites (RG-2-03) - CEITEC VUTBioelectronics Materials and Systems (RG-2-08) - CEITEC VUTCore Facility RP2 (CF-2-50) - CEITEC VUTCenter of Electron and Photon optics (NCC optics) - CEITEC VUTCentral European Institute of Technology BUT (CEITEC) - CEITEC VUTCore Facility (CF-1-50) - CEITEC VUTCybernetics and Robotics (RG-3-02) - CEITEC VUTMaterials for Sensors (RG-2-02) - CEITEC VUTDevelopment of Methods for Analysis (RG-1-05) - CEITEC VUTEpitaxial Materials and Nanostructures (RG-1-15) - CEITEC VUTExperimental Biophotonics (RG-1-03) - CEITEC VUTFabrication and Characteris. of Nanostr. (RG-1-04) - CEITEC VUTFuture Energy and Innovation (RG-1-18) - CEITEC VUTLaser spectroscopy (RG-1-16) - CEITEC VUTMagneto-Optical and THz Spectroscopy (RG-1-12) - CEITEC VUTMolecular Nanostructures at Surfaces (RG-1-13) - CEITEC VUTNanomagnetism and spintronics (RG-1-14) - CEITEC VUTOptoelectronic Characterisation of Nanostructures (RG-1-07) - CEITEC VUTPlasma Technologies for Materials (RG-2-09) - CEITEC VUTQuantum Optical Technology (RG-1-17) - CEITEC VUTScience Support Office (Science Supp. Off.) - CEITEC VUTSmart Factory Core Facility (RG-3-01) - CEITEC VUTSubmicron Systems and Nanodevices (RG-1-02) - CEITEC VUT - CEITEC VUTCentre of Sports Activities (CESA) - CESAComputer and Information Services Centre (CIS) - CISNetwork Department (CIS ‒ Network) - CISContinuing Education and Counselling Centre (CECC) - CVPComputer Centre (VC) - FADean's office (FA Děkanát) - FADepartment of Design (UN) - FADepartment of Design I. (UN1) - FADepartment of Design III. (UN3) - FADepartment of Design IV. (UN4) - FADepartment of Design V. (UN5) - FADepartment of Design VI. (UN6) - FADepartment of Drawing (UZ) - FADepartment of Engineering (US) - FADepartment of experimental design (DED) - FADepartment of Monument Care (UPP) - FADepartment of Spatial Design (UPT) - FADepartment of Theory (UT) - FADepartment of Urban Design (UU) - FAFaculty of Architecture (FA) - FAFinance Office (EO) - FAInstitute of Construction (Ú6) - FAInstitute of Theory of Town Planning (Ú4) - FA - FA - FAAdMaS Division DST (AdMaS Division DST) - FASTAdMaS Division EGAR (AdMaS EGAR) - FASTRailway Structures and Constructions AdMaS (ZEL-AdMaS) - FASTRoad Structures AdMaS (PKO-AdMaS) - FASTGeotechnics AdMaS (GTN-AdMaS) - FASTMicroenvironmental and building services engineering AdMaS (EGAR - TZB) - FASTAdMaS EGAR - Municipal Water Management (EGAR - VHO) - FASTConcrete and Masonry Structures AdMaS (BZK-AdMaS) - FASTTechnology of Building Materials and Component AdMaS (THD-AdMaS) - FASTBuilding Structures AdMaS (PST-AdMaS) - FASTAdMaS TSH - Technology of Building Materials and Component (TSH - THD) - FASTLandscape Water Management AdMaS (VHK-AdMaS) - FASTMunicipal Water Management AdMaS (VHVS - VHO) - FASTDean´s Office (FAST Děkanát) - FASTFaculty of Civil Engineering (FCE) - FASTInstitute of Building Services (TZB) - FASTInstitute of Building Structures (PST) - FASTInstitute of Building Testing (SZK) - FASTInstitute of Computer Aided Engineering and Computer Science (AIU) - FASTInstitute of Concrete and Masonry Structures (BZK) - FASTInstitute of Geodesy (GED) - FASTInstitute of Geotechnics (GTN) - FASTInstitute of Chemistry (CHE) - FASTInstitute of Landscape Water Management (VHK) - FASTInstitute of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry (MAT) - FASTInstitute of Metal and Timber Structures (KDK) - FASTInstitute of Municipal Water Management (VHO) - FASTInstitute of Physics (FYZ) - FASTInstitute of Railway Structures and Constructions (ZEL) - FASTInstitute of Road Structures (PKO) - FASTInstitute of Social Sciences (SPV) - FASTInstitute of Structural Economics and Management (EKR) - FASTInstitute of Structural Mechanics (STM) - FASTInstitute of Technology, Mechanisation and Construction Management (TST) - FASTInstitute of Technology of Building Materials and Components (THD) - FASTInstitute of Water Structures (VST) - FASTInstitute of Water Structures (VST-VST) - FASTOffice for Internal and External Relations (OVV) - FAST - FAST - FAST - FAST - FAST - FAST - FAST - FAST - FAST - FAST - FAST - FASTStudio of Body Design - FaVUDean´s Office of the Faculty of Fine Arts - FaVUDepartment of Theoretic Studies and History of Art - FaVUDepartment of Audiovisual Technology (KAT) - FaVUDepartment of Traditional Media (KTM) - FaVUStudio of Environment - FaVUFaculty of Fine Arts (FFA) - FaVUThe Senate - FaVUStudio of Grahpic Design 2 - FaVUStudio of Painting II. - FaVUStudio of Performance - FaVUSecretariat (ODDSEK) - FaVUStudio of Sculpture 2 (APT) - FaVUVideo Studio (AVI) - FaVUStudios and Sections of the FFA (AaK FAVU) - FaVUCentre for Research and Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources (CVVOZE) - FEKTCentre of Sensor, Information and Communication Systems (SIX) - FEKTDean's Office - Student Affairs Department (FEECDO SO) - FEKTDean's Office of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication (FEKT Děkanát) - FEKTDepartment of Biomedical Engineering (UBMI) - FEKTDepartment of Control and Instrumentation (UAMT) - FEKTDepartment of Electrical and Electronic Technology (UETE) - FEKTDepartment of Electrical Power Engineering (UEEN) - FEKTDepartment of Foreign Languages (UJAZ) - FEKTDepartment of Mathematics (UMAT) - FEKTDepartment of Microelectronics (UMEL) - FEKTDepartment of Physics (UFYZ) - FEKTDepartment of Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering (UVEE) - FEKTDepartment of Radio Electronics (UREL) - FEKTDepartment of Telecommunications (UTKO) - FEKTDepartment of Theoretical and Experimental Electrical Engineering (UTEE) - FEKTdivision-AMT-CVVOZE (AMT-CVVOZE) - FEKTdivision-EEN-CVVOZE (EEN-CVVOZE) - FEKTdivision-ETE-CVVOZE (ETE-CVVOZE) - FEKTdivision-FYZ-SIX (FYZ-SIX) - FEKTNCK Mestec - CVVOZE (NCK-Mestec-CVVOZE) - FEKTdivision-MEL-SIX (MEL-SIX) - FEKTdivision-REL-SIX (REL-SIX) - FEKTdivision-TEE-CVVOZE (TEE-CVVOZE) - FEKTdivision-TEE-SIX (TEE-SIX) - FEKTdivision-TKO-SIX (TKO-SIX) - FEKTdivision-VEE-CVVOZE (VEE-CVVOZE) - FEKTFaculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (FEECS) - FEKTFEEC - internal transfers (NS18009) - FEKTDean's Office of the Faculty of Chemistry (FCH-DEKANAT) - FCHFaculty of Chemistry (FCH) - FCHInstitute of Food Science and Biotechnology (ÚCHPBT) - FCHInstitute of Chemistry and Technology of Environmental Protection (ÚCHTOŽP) - FCHInstitute of Materials Science (ÚCHM) - FCHInstitute of Physical and Applied Chemistry (ÚFSCH) - FCHMaterials Research Centre (CMV) - FCHMRC - laboratory of biocolloids (MRC - biocolloids lab) - FCHMRC - laboratory of bioplastics (MRC - bioplastics lab) - FCHMRC - laboratory of biotechnology and biomaterials research (MRC - biotech lab) - FCHMRC - laboratory of inorganic materials (MRC - inorganic lab) - FCHMRC - laboratory of metals and corrosion (MRC - metals lab) - FCHMRC - laboratory of organic electronics and photonics (MRC - OE lab) - FCHMRC laboratory of bioplastics (Bioplastics) - FCHMRC laboratory of biotechnology (Biotechnology) - FCHMRC Laboratory of synthesis of advanced materials (MRC LSAM) - FCH - FCH - FCH - FCH - FCHComputer Centre (CVT) - FITDean's Office (DFIT) - FITDepartment of Computer Graphics and Multimedia (DCGM) - FITDepartment of Computer Systems (DCSY) - FITDepartment of Information Systems (DIFS) - FITDepartment of Intelligent Systems (DITS) - FITFaculty of Information Technology (FIT) - FITResearch Centre of Information Technology (RCIT) - FITDean's office - Vice-Dean for Science and Research (FP-D-VVDS) - FPDean's office - Dean (FP-D-děkan) - FPFaculty of Business and Management (FBM) - FPInstitute of Economics (ÚE) - FPInstitute of Finances (ÚF) - FPInstitute of Informatics (ÚI) - FPInstitute of Management (ÚM) - FPInstitute of Postgraduate Studies – Brno Business School (BBS) - FPDepartment of Aeronautical Test (NETME AAT AT) - FSIDepartment of Composite Structure (NETME AAT CS) - FSICentre of New Technologies for Mechanical Engineering (NETME Centre) - FSINCC MESTEC - Industrial Automation and Digitalization Division (NCC MESTEC - IADD) - FSIDean's Office (DO) - FSINCC Engineering - Production Machines Division (NCC Eng - PMD) - FSINCC NaCCAS - Aircraft Division (NCC NaCCAS - ACD) - FSIDivision of Production Systems (NETME DPS) - FSINCC Energy - Special Fluid Machines Division (NCC En - FMD) - FSIDivision of Autonomous Vehicles and Alternative Drives (NETME DAV) - FSIDept. of Aircraft Design (IAE DAD) - FSIDept. of Applied Computer Science (IACS ACS) - FSIDept. of Automation (IACS DA) - FSIDept. of Ceramics and Polymers (IMSE DCP) - FSIDept. of Condition Monitoring (IMID DCM) - FSIDept. of Electrical Engineering (IPMSR DEE) - FSIDept. of Kinematics and Dynamics - FSIDept. of Foundry Engineering (IMT DFE) - FSIDept. of Handling and Building Machines (IAE DHBM) - FSIDept. of Industrial Design (IMID DID) - FSIDept. of Powertrain (IAE DP) - FSIDept. of Machine Design (IMD DMD) - FSIDept. of Machining Technology (IMT DMT) - FSIDept. of Mechanics and Design of Materials (IMSE DMDM) - FSIDept. of Metal Forming and Plastics (IMT DMFP) - FSIDept. of Metal Materials (IMSE DMM) - FSIDept. of Metrology and Quality Management (ÚVSSR-o.MŘJ) - FSIDept. of Micromechanics of Materials and Engineering Acoustics (IPE DMMEA) - FSIDept. of Motor Vehicles and Tractors (ITE DMVT) - FSIDept. of Solid State Physics and Surfaces (IPE DSSPS) - FSIDept. of Power Engineering (EI DPE) - FSIDept. of Process Engineering (IPE DPE) - FSIDept. of Production Machines (IPMSR DPM) - FSIDept. of Quality, Reliability and Safety (IPMSR DQRS) - FSIDept. of Reverse Engineering and Additive Technologies (IMID DREAT) - FSIDept. of Statistics and Optimization (IM DSO) - FSIDept. of Structural and Phase Analysis (IMSE DSPA) - FSIDept. of Thermodynamics and Environmental Engineering (EI DTEE) - FSIDept. of Welding Technology and Surface Treatment (IMT DWTST) - FSIDivision of Advanced Metallic Materials (NETME AMM) - FSIDivision of Energy, Processes and Ecology (NETME PPE) - FSIDivision of Mathematics (NETME DMA) - FSIDivision of Mechanics (NETME DME) - FSIDivision of Virtual Modeling, Design and Testing (NETME VMDT) - FSIEnergy Institute (EI) - FSIFaculty of Mechanical Engineering (FME) - FSIHeat Transfer and Fluid Flow Laboratory (LFFHT) - FSIInstitute of Aerospace Engineering (IAE) - FSIInstitute of Automation and Computer Science (IACS) - FSIInstitute of Automotive Engineering (IAE) - FSIInstitute of Foreign Languages (IFL) - FSIInstitute of Machine and Industrial Design (IMID) - FSIInstitute of Manufacturing Technology (IMT) - FSIInstitute of Materials Science and Engineering (IMSE) - FSIInstitute of Mathematics (IM) - FSIInstitute of Metrology and Quality Assurance Testing (ÚMZ) - FSIInstitute of Physical Engineering (IPE) - FSIInstitute of Process Engineering (IPE) - FSIInstitute of Production Machines, Systems and Robotics (IPMSR) - FSIInstitute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics (ISMMB) - FSISection of Manufacturing Technology (NETME M MT) - FSISection of Power Engineering (NETME PPE PoE) - FSISection of Mechanics (NETME AMM Mech) - FSINCC Energy - Process Engineering Division (NCC en - PED) - FSISection of Thermodynamics (NETME PPE T) - FSISubdivision of Engines (NETME AAT E) - FSISection of Advanced Metal Materials (NETME AMM AMM) - FSISection of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics (NETME VMDT MTB) - FSISection of Machine and Industrial Design (NETME VMDT KPD) - FSINCC NaCCAS - Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Division (NCC NaCCAS - HTFF) - FSINeTME - division of Aircraft and Automotive Technology (NeTME d. AAT) - FSINeTME - division of Energy, Processes and Ecology (NeTME d. EPE) - FSINeTME - division of Mechatronics (NeTME d. M) - FSINeTME - division of Virtual Modeling, Design and Testing (NeTME d. VMDT) - FSIProject Support Office (DO PSO) - FSISection of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Division (NETME HFD) - FSISubdivision of Transport and Transport Logistic (NETME AAT TTL) - FSISustainable process integration laboratory (NETME SPIL) - FSIVictor Kaplan Dept. of Fluid Engineering (EI DFE) - FSI - FSIFaculty of Technology (FT UTB) - FT UTB - KAMBDepartment of budgeting and financing (Department of B. & F.) - REForeign Relations Department - REDepartment of internationalization (Dep.of international) - REDepartment of Investment and Assets (RE-StO) - RETechnology Transfer Office - REDepartment of project support (Dep.of project support) - RETechnology Transfer Office - REMarketing and External Relations Department (RE-OMVV) - REProject Support Centre (PSC) - RERe-Creative Development Office (RE-ÚPTR) - RERector's Office (RE-KR) - RERector's Office (RO) - RERector's office - Bursar (RE-kvestor) - RERector's Office - Finance Division (RE-KV-EO) - REStudent Affairs Department (RE-ÚPSZ) - RETechnology Transfer Office (RE-CTT) - REX 07 Rector's Office - Technology Transfer (X 07 RE-Pr-ÚTT) - REDepartment of Expertise in Civil Engineering and Real Estate Appraisal (OON) - ÚSIDepartment of Expertise in Mechanical Engineering, Analysis of Traffic Accidents and Vehicle Assessment (OAN) - ÚSIDepartment of Risk Engineering (OIR) - ÚSIGeneral department (Odbor všeobecný) - ÚSIInstitute of Forensic Engineering (IFE) - ÚSIBrno University of Technology (BUT) - VUTABPLAST Group s.r.o. (ABPLAST Group s.r.o.) - AIRBUS DEFENCE AND SPACE SAS (ADS SAS) - Bancraft (Bancraft) - BPP Energy (BPP Energy) - University of Defence (UoD) - cadconsulting, spol. s r.o. (cadconsulting) - CESNET (CESNET) - COMFES, spol. s r.o. (comfes) - Czech Society for New Materials and Technologies (csnmt) - Designtec s.r.o. (Designtec) - D-PLUS PROJEKTOVÁ A INŽENÝRSKÁ a.s. (D-PLUS) - Drážní revize (Drážní revize) - EASTWANDER (EASTWANDER) - EASYCON Solution s.r.o. (easycon) - Faculty of Chemistry (HS1600) - Faculty of Informatics MU (FI MU) - Faculty of Management and Economics (FAME UTB) - Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University Brno (LF MU) - Form - Thermit (Form - Thermit) - GE Aviation Czech s. r. o. (GE Aviation) - German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) - G&G filtration CZ (G&G filtration CZ) - Gravelli s.r.o. (Gravelli) - ILTEGRO, spol. s r.o. (ILTEGRO) - Infineon Technologies AG - Institute of Classical Disciplines (1110) - Institute of Geonics AS CR (IG AS CR) - Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v. v. i. (ÚCHP AV ČR) - Institute of Mathematics of the CAS, v. v. i. (MÚ AV ČR) - Institute of Plasma Physics (AV-61389021) - Institute of Thermomechanics Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ÚT AV ČR) - International Hellenic University - KADEN (KADEN) - KATRES spol. s r.o. (KATRES) - Klíčovna a.s. (Klíčovna a.s.) - KOMA MODULAR s.r.o. (KOMA MODULAR) - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) (KAERI) - Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) - Le Mans University (LMNU) - Mälardalen University - Mälardalen University Sweden (MUS) - MAMUT - THERM (v) - Měď Povrly (Měď Povrly) - MEREX, s.r.o. (MEREX) - Mezinárodní bezpečnostní institut, z. ú. (MBI) - MindRove (MindRove) - Ministry of the Interior (Md'I) - MROZEK (MROZEK) - MSR Engines (MSR Engines) - Nanopharma, a.s. - National Institute of Chemistry (KI) - Nirex Cameroon Investments s.r.o. (Nirex Cameroon ) - NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH (NXP-DE) - Offroadsport (Offroadsport) - Philips Healthcare (Philips-Health) - REFAGLASS s. r. o. (v) - RETEX a.s. (RETEX) - RISE Research Institutes of Sweden - Robotnik Automation S.L.L. (Robotnik) - SA VITEC - SANACE PO (SANACE PO) - SATTURN HOLEŠOV spol. s r.o. (SATTURN HOLEŠOV) - Software Technology Institut (STIAS) - Stichting NLnet (NLnet) - SÚJCHBO, v.v.i. (SÚJCHBO, v.v.i.) - Tampere University (tuni.fi) - Telecommunication Software and Systems Group (TSSG) - Thales Alenia Space Espana (TASE) - The Czech Academy of Sciences (AV ČR) - The Open University - T-MAPY spol. s r.o. (T-MAPY) - Tomas Bata University in Zlin (UTB v Zlíně) - Transport Research Centre (CDV) - UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) - University College London - University of Bologna (unibo.it) - University of Liechtenstein - University of Twente (TWENTE) - University of Virginia (UoV) - University of Warsaw (UW) - University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB) - VDT Technology a.s. (VDT Technology) - Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (V.Dahl EUNU) - West Pomeranian University of Technology (ZUT) - Wstec (Wstec) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Year of project solution All 202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002 Years of duration Project status All acceptedsolutioncompleted Provider All AV ČR Akademie věd ČRBIS Bezpečnostní informační službaCESNET CESNET, zájmové sdružení právnických osobČBÚ Český báňský úřadČÚZK Český úřad zeměměřičský a katastrálníEU Evropská unieGAČR Grantová agentura České republikyJMK Jihomoravský krajOVZ Jiné veřejné zdroje než podle zák. č. 130/2002 Sb.MDS Ministerstvo dopravy a spojů ČRMF Ministerstvo financí ČRMI ČR Ministerstvo informatiky České republikyMK Ministerstvo kultury ČRMO Ministerstvo obrany ČRMPSV Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí ČRMMR Ministerstvo pro místní rozvojMPO Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu ČRMS Ministerstvo spravedlnosti ČRMŠMT Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČRMV Ministerstvo vnitra ČRMZV Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí ČRMZ Ministerstvo zdravotnictví ČRMZe Ministerstvo zemědělství ČRMŽP Ministerstvo životního prostředí ČRNBÚ Národní bezpečnostní úřad ČRNS Neveřejný sektorSÚJB Státní úřad pro jadernou bezpečnost ČRTAČR Technologická agentura ČRÚřvl Úřad vlády ČRUSC Územně samosprávní celekVUT Vysoké učení technické v Brně
Mark: 23-05082S Project duration: 2023-01-01 - 2025-12-31
Project duration: 2022-10-15 - 2022-12-15
Project duration: 2022-04-01 - 2024-12-31
Mark: FCH/FSI-J-22-7919 Project duration: 2022-03-01 - 2023-02-28
Mark: FCH-S-22-8001 Project duration: 2022-03-01 - 2023-02-28
Mark: FCH-S-22-7870 Project duration: 2022-03-01 - 2023-02-28
Mark: FCH/FSI-J-22-7859 Project duration: 2022-03-01 - 2023-02-28
Mark: FCH-S-22-8012 Project duration: 2022-03-01 - 2023-02-28
Mark: CEITEC VUT/FCH-J-22-7916 Project duration: 2022-03-01 - 2023-02-28
Mark: FCH-S-22-7961 Project duration: 2022-03-01 - 2023-02-28
Mark: FCH-S-22-7909 Project duration: 2022-03-01 - 2023-02-28
Mark: GA22-04828S Project duration: 2022-01-01 - 2024-12-31
Mark: FCH-K-22-7746 Project duration: 2022-01-01 - 2022-12-31
Mark: FCH-K-22-7743 Project duration: 2022-01-01 - 2022-12-31